Executive Agree to Consult on New Welsh-Medium Primary

Cardiff Council’s Executive today agreed to a public consultation on a proposal to build a new primary school in Canton to meet the growing demand for Welsh-medium provision in that area of the city.

The proposal would involve Ysgol Treganna transferring to new premises on Council-owned land off Sanatorium Road and expanding  to a three form of entry Welsh-medium primary school with nursery while Ysgol Tan yr Eos would close with pupils transferring to the enlarged Ysgol Treganna on the new site.

This is proposed in order to meet the rising demand for Welsh-medium education and in response to the First Minister’s rejection of a previous proposal to close Lansdowne Primary School and relocate Ysgol Treganna onto the Lansdowne site as a two-form entry primary school.  Consultation will now take place on a revised plan, developed by officers, to build a new, £9m Welsh-medium primary school.

The growing demand for Welsh-medium education in this area together with the fact that the population has been rising in the west of the city over the last three years has led to officers developing this proposal to respond to these issues effectively.

No existing English-medium provision will be closed or reduced in capacity as a result of this proposal.

The consultation will consist of public meetings, drop-in sessions and exhibitions in the local community where members of the public and interested parties will be able to air their views and submit feedback on the proposal. Details of the consultation period will be announced in due course. Executive Member for Education and Lifelong Learning, Cllr Freda Salway, said: “Our proposal for a new Welsh-medium school in Cardiff has been developed as a priority to deal with the serious overcrowding issue at Ysgol Treganna and Ysgol Tan yr Eos. The increasing demand for Welsh-medium education across the city continues to rise and we believe the option for a new school at Sanatorium Road is the only way forward now.

“The public consultation will be an opportunity for people in the local community to find out more about the proposal and provide feedback to the Council.”


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