Fair’s Fair for Ysgol Y Wern

A Cardiff primary school has been recognised for its commitment to Fairtrade.

Ysgol Y Wern in Llanishen has become the latest school in Cardiff to be awarded Fairtrade status having raised awareness of the cause throughout the school and community by promoting Fairtrade products and learning about the issues of trade and the need for Fairtrade.

The school was required to meet five goals to gain the status including setting up a Fairtrade School Steering Group, writing and adopting a Fairtrade policy which has the support of the board of Governors and is signed by the Headteacher, using and selling Fairtrade products as much as possible, learning about Fairtrade in at least three subjects in two year groups and taking action for Fairtrade at least once a term in the school and once a year in the community.

Ysgol Y Wern pupils have created the school’s own Fairtrade mascot, Tegwen, and will be proudly flying the Fairtrade flag in the school yard.

Executive Member for Education and Lifelong Learning, Cllr Freda Salway, said: “A growing number of Cardiff schools have been awarded Fairtrade status so it’s great to see Ysgol Y Wern joining those ranks.

“By becoming a Fairtrade school, Ysgol Y Wern’s pupils will be part of something that is happening all over the country and all over the world, promoting fair play and pay for the people who produce the food we eat or the clothes we wear.

Gaining Fairtrade status will provide the whole school with an excellent opportunity to find out more about global citizenship.

“Well done to all at Ysgol Y Wern for their efforts in gaining this award. Llongyfarchiadau!”

Photograph:  Pupils from Ysgol Y Wern celebrate their Fairtrade status
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