Farmers and horse owners warned about spate of thefts

A spate of thefts from farmers and horse owners has led to a general warning for people living in rural areas to ensure their tools, equipment and valuables are securely stored.

In one recent incident a horse box valued at £50,000 was stolen from private land near Llanedi, along with riding boots, jackets and helmets.

“Farms and paddocks out in the country are quite often full of expensive equipment which may not be properly secured,” said Inspector Tony Ward of the community safety department. “Recently we’ve seen a number of these thefts happen in rural areas, where anything from power tools to rare and expensive chickens have been stolen.

“I would urge farmers and those with small holdings to get in touch with us to find out more about how best to protect their property and their animals.

“We can also advise of any local Farmwatch scheme which may be running in rural areas. These are schemes set up between ourselves and the farming and rural communities which operate like a neighbourhood watch would, but are geared up more for rural communities.”

If anyone would like help or advice on how to best secure their homes, farms and small holdings can contact the community safety department on 101, or visit the force website

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