Father and son look forward to new livelihood in dairying, thanks to Farming Connect

Seven years ago Welshpool farmer Roy Jerman was forced to take the hard decision of giving up dairy production. This was due to the prohibitive costs of upgrading his dairying facilities which were in need of major investment. He had no option but to let out his 210 acres and seek work off the farm which has been owned by his family since the 1930s.

His son Matt, now 19, also had to seek work elsewhere as there was no family business to support him when he left agricultural college.

However both father and son are now looking forward to a new livelihood in dairying. This is thanks to receiving expert advice under Farming Connect’s subsidised Whole Farm Plan service, which recently raised its support rate to 80%.

Roy, who registered for the new range of Farming Connect services last year, contacted his local Whole Farm Plan co-ordinator Gwenan Ellis to discuss his ambition to re-introduce dairying to Lower Trehelig, which is within the Severn Valley.

An approved Farming Connect mentor then provided five days of subsidised one-to-one mentoring advice, preparing a new business plan. This gave the Jerman family the information they needed before embarking on a project to build and set up a bespoke new dairy unit to include new cattle housing and a robotic milking system with office space above.

Roy said:

“Our mentor was able to provide us with costings for the new development enabling us to examine viability of the operation, focusing on cashflows and profitability, which gave us the confidence to proceed.

“We also received helpful advice on applying for planning permission to build the new unit and with legislative issues connected with our application.”

The Jerman family have also applied for training on trailer towing and Do -it -yourself Artificial Insemination courses under Farming Connect’s Skills Development Programme which is also subsidised by 80%.

Farming Connect is funded through the Rural Development Plan 2007–2013, which is financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the Welsh Assembly Government.

For further information, contact Rebekah Tune at the Welsh Assembly Government on 029 2089 8490 or visit the website.


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