Fighterfighters make a splash for forces charity

A team of 13 firefighters swum the Bristol Channel to raise cash for sufferers of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Officers from the Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service swum 36 nautical miles in aid of Healing The Wounds, the charity which supports Armed Forces personnel, veterans and their families and members of the civilian emergency services.

One of the event organisers, Watch manager Gareth Davies, said he was delighted with the success of the swim and hoped that the event would raise £10,000 for the charity.

“We know that £3,500 has already been pledged and we hope that further promises of cash will bring the total up to £10,000.”

The swimmers set off from Ilfracombe at 10am on Saturday, June 25th, and by swimming in relays managed to cover nearly a mile an hour, reaching Mumbles by 3pm on Sunday.

Mr Davies said: “We’d trained hard for it, but it was still a massive test of stamina and willpower.

“Overnight, we had to lay-up for a short while as we were being pounded by a Force Five storm. At least two waves crashed over the boat at one stage and it was very scary, to say the least.

“Having said that, we completed the swim in glorious weather conditions and we were delighted with the warm welcome home we received when we landed at Knab Rock, Mumbles.

“It was hard going, but it was well worth it for this important charity.”

The firefighters chose to raise funds for Healing The Wounds after hearing about its work from a former serviceman.

“As firefighters we understand that people who put their lives on the line need emotional and psychological support, and that is what Healing the Wounds offer,” said Mr Davies.

Kevin Richards, executive director of Healing The Wounds, said: “Firefighters risk their safety to help other people, so they are able to understanding the demanding nature of life in the forces.

“Swimming the Bristol Channel was a huge undertaking, which really tested the firefighters. Their achievement was magnificent and we are all very proud of them.”

If you wish to sponsor the firefighters, visit Mid and West Wales Fire Service or Virgin Money Giving websites and follow the links.

For more information on Healing The Wounds visit

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