Finch-Saunders: Welsh Councils should have freedom to pray

Welsh Conservatives today called on Welsh Labour Ministers to explain why they blocked a new power which would have enshrined the rights of Welsh local authorities to hold prayers.

The Conservative Local Government Secretary Eric Pickles has fast-tracked an order to effectively overrule a controversial High Court decision which threatened Town Hall prayers.

It has emerged that the Welsh Labour Government rejected the invitation of the Conservative-led Coalition to have Welsh local authorities included in the legislation to protect the rights of Welsh Councils.

Janet Finch-Saunders AM, Shadow Minister for Local Government, said, “People across Wales will find it extraordinary that Welsh Labour Ministers would not want to protect the right of local Councils, if they wish, to hold prayers at their meetings.

“For many families, faith remains an integral part of daily life in Wales so it seems odd that Labour Ministers would reject a simple way to protect the right to worship.

“Welsh Labour Ministers now need to explain whether they intend to bring forward their own legislation to allow local councils, should they wish, to continue to hold prayers.

“Failing to defend the rights of local councils speaks volumes about Labour’s attitude towards local democracy and sadly strikes a blow for localism and genuine devolution.”

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