First Minister pays tribute to Welsh Guards

First Minister of Wales Carwyn Jones has paid tribute to the Welsh Guards, who returned from a tour of duty in Afghanistan in October.

Attending their homecoming parade in Cardiff, the First Minister said:

“The Welsh Guards have had a very difficult job to do in Afghanistan, in very difficult circumstances.  I am proud to be here today to honour these brave soldiers as well as pay tribute to those who did not return.

“Today’s event in Cardiff is the first in a series of events across Wales throughout March and I would urge people to turn out to show their support for these courageous soldiers.”

Minister with responsibility for the Armed Forces, Carl Sargeant said:

“I am proud to be able to add my thanks to Welsh Guards who have returned from action in Afghanistan and to pay tribute to the seven comrades that were lost in action in Afghanistan last year. It is fitting that we are here today to pay tribute to each and every one of the Welsh Guards that have endured such difficult and dangerous conditions in their work in Afghanistan.”

Cardiff will also host the national Armed Forces Day on June 26.

Photograph: First Minister with the Lord Mayor Cllr Brian Griffiths and members of the armed forces.

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