Flint Castle Ward Communities First Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of Flint Castle Ward Communities First will take place on Wednesday 6 July at 6pm in the River Dee Community Church., Castle Street, Flint.

All residents and organisations in Flint Castle ward are invited to attend. There will be a chance to hear about the achievements of Communities First in 2010/ 11 and to have a say about who should be elected onto the Partnership Board for the coming year.

During the evening a number of local people will talk about their involvement in Communities First projects and activities during the year and what they have achieved as a result.

It has been a busy and eventful year. The highlight was undoubtedly Communities First’s move to new premises in 46 Church Street. The building has developed as a focal point for the community and a base for meetings of a number of groups including the Friends of Swinchiard Brook, the District Guides and the Skills Share group, whose members teach one another traditional crafts, including sewing, knitting and patchwork.

Flint Castle Ward Communities First has responded to the needs of the community in these challenging times by supporting local people to develop skills for employment and to connect with employment opportunities. In May, 350 residents attended the Jobsfair in Flint Pavilion, and the Job Club every Thursday from 10am to 12 noon has helped people of all ages with CV writing, interview skills and confidence building.

Kieran Duff, Chair of the Communities First Partnership Board, said:

“Over the past year Flint Communities First has had a positive impact on Castle Ward. Local people are members of the Board but are also involved in projects which help their community and help them to learn new skills. We will be celebrating and sharing our successes at the AGM.”

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