Funding shortfall means Tennis Centre could close

Money-saving measures proposed by Swansea Council to help make ends meet could mean Swansea Tennis Centre will close.

A proposal to close the facility is included in a budget report to be considered by Swansea Council’s Cabinet.

Swansea Council is looking to make significant savings across several of its services over the next financial year to make inroads into a £17million funding shortfall.

Officers at the Council are looking to plug the funding gap through a combination of ways such as service cuts and the use of money held in reserve.

Swansea Tennis Centre costs the Council about £120,000 a year to run.

Staff currently working there would be redeployed if the proposal to close the facility is backed by Cabinet and Full Council.

Alternative tennis courts are available across the city at Bishopston Sports Centre, Langland Bay, Morriston Park, Parc Williams, Victoria Park, Ynystawe Park, the Elba Sports Complex, Cwmdonkin Park, De La Beche Park and Mumbles.

Swansea Council will also work closely alongside Tennis Wales and the Lawn Tennis Association to ensure high-quality provision of tennis in the area if the proposal to close Swansea Tennis Centre is backed.

Cllr Chris Holley, Swansea Council Leader, said: “These are turbulent economic times when, given the financial restraints faced by all Councils, tough decisions have to be made.

“We have to prioritise some services and facilities over others and a proposal to keep Swansea Tennis Centre open might have led to cuts in front-line services.

“Staff at the Tennis Centre will be redeployed if the proposal is backed and we remain committed to tennis across the city.

“We will work hard in the face of adversity to ensure a high standard of tennis provision continues to be made available in Swansea in the long-term.”


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