Further Vale Council backing for Penarth Pier Pavilion project

The Vale of Glamorgan Council is to continue its support for an ambitious scheme to restore and refurbish the Grade II Penarth Pier Pavilion.

In November, Penarth Arts & Crafts Ltd (PACL), the organisation behind the restoration scheme, was awarded a Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) Wales grant of £99,600 to develop detailed plans for the multi-million pound facelift. This process is now being backed by a £15,000 grant which will be part of a sum of £800,000 the council has committed to the scheme.

PACL failed with an initial application to HLF Wales for up to 60 per cent of the refurbishment fund but November’s decision means the organisation can now work on submitting more detailed plans and apply for HLF support for the £3.9m project.

Plans for the 78-year-old building include the development of a cinema, cafe, observatory and multi-purpose community area.

Council Leader Cllr Gordon Kemp said: “We are delighted to provide this additional help to ensure sufficient resources are available for PACL to further their work on this ambitious project. Officers will continue to work alongside the project team to take forward the plans.

“The proposed development is viewed as an essential part of the regeneration of the popular seafront and will benefit local people and the thousands of annual visitors.”


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