Getting Medieval

Step back in time and try your hand at writing a medieval charter or making a medieval pot as part of a Cardiff University event to celebrate Adult Learners’ Week.

Held at Cosmeston Medieval Village on Saturday 22nd May 2010, Getting Medieval will give both adults and children the chance to explore medieval life and experience first-hand some of the customs and practices of the time.

The one-day collaborative event involving the University’s School of History and Archaeology, the Cardiff Centre for Lifelong Learning and the Vale of Glamorgan Council, will include hand-on workshops during which visitors can handle medieval objects and weapons, listen to fireside sagas, create their own stories or find out about how medieval people grew their crops and raised their animals.

Speaking about the event, Dr Dave Wyatt, of the School of History and Archaeology said: “For several years now Cardiff University has run a successful community archaeology project at Cosmeston Medieval Village, which is a brilliant location for learning about the past. But Getting Medieval is about more than history and archaeology – the day will include tasters in modern languages, science, creative writing, digital photography and music – all with a medieval theme! People can bring their children along to join in the fun; they can make a medieval pot, write a medieval charter with a feather quill, try out archaeological drawing, listen to medieval music or learn some French or Welsh.

“The day does have a serious purpose too and that is to encourage adults to think about getting back into education and to learn new skills during these difficult economic times. There will be plenty of information and advice available about educational opportunities in the Vale of Glamorgan and at Cardiff University. The day really has been great fun to organise and I hope that lots of people will come along and get medieval!”

Getting Medieval is one of a number of events being held to mark Adult Learners’ Week, the UK’s largest festival and celebration of adult learning, co-ordinated by NIACE Dysgu Cymru and core-funded by the Welsh Assembly Government, and the European Social Fund.

Adult Learners’ Week is a campaign which offers adults the chance to have a go at learning something new by trying out one of the hundreds of free taster sessions that happen across Wales during the week. It is also an opportunity for learning providers to showcase their provision.
Getting Medieval runs from 10.30am-3.30pm on 22nd May. The event is free and there is no need to book a place – just turn up on the day. More information is available by calling the Centre for Lifelong Learning 029 2087 0000 or by visiting the following website:

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