Global Enterprise Week

EnterpriseBridgend County Borough Council’s Economic Development Unit will be joining a worldwide movement of entrepreneurial people during the month of November.

As part of Global Enterprise Week, millions of people will be unleashing their business potential between 16-20 November 2009 and turning their ideas into reality.

Enterprise Week has been running in the UK since 2004. Last year it became part of a wider global movement, Global Entrepreneurship Week, which took place in 77 countries.

Ray Pearce, Head of Economic Development, said: “We will be carrying out a range of activities in the county borough throughout the week. On Monday, we will be supporting the work of the Education Business Partnership and helping to carry out mock interviews with year 11 pupils.

“On Tuesday, we will be holding a ‘Finance for Business’ surgery at the Innovation Centre with funding specialists from Bridgend County Borough Council, Welsh Assembly Government FS4B, Finance Wales and the Supplier Development Programme.

On Wednesday, we will be hosting a ‘Presenting with Confidence’ workshop. This will be a very practical morning for individuals to develop their business presentation skills, and will be delivered by Team Coaching Network at the Waterton Centre in Bridgend.

“On Thursday, we will celebrate Global Social Enterprise Day by holding our first ever Social Enterprise Trade Fair. This day will profile a wide range of products and services that are produced and delivered by social enterprises.”

For more information call 01656 641359 or e-mail


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