Glyn Davies MP Urges Local Peimary Schools to ‘Make IT Happy’

MPs and e-skills UK have launched the sixth year of the Make IT Happy competition, a UK-wide technology challenge for primary school students aged 9 to 11. The competition is run by the Parliamentary Internet Communications and Technology Forum (PICTFOR) and e-skills UK, the Sector Skills Council for Business and Information Technology. It is backed by more than 60 MPs from across the UK.

The competition recognises and rewards the excellent and inspirational work primary schools do with IT, and particularly how they use it to make a positive impact on their own and others’ lives. This year’s Make IT Happy theme of “Make IT Healthy” calls for schools to use IT to improve their own physical, mental or emotional health, or to reach out to help others do the same.

The judges will be looking for entries that demonstrate innovative ways in which pupils have used technology to improve health. Projects could be as simple and local as planning a school vegetable garden online; they could involve using technology to reach out to older people or people with disabilities; or perhaps they could show the emotional benefits of building relationships across national or international boundaries.

£1,200 will be awarded to each of the regional competition finalists, with the overall winning school taking home an additional cash prize of £4,000. Winners will also be invited to attend an awards ceremony to be held at the Houses of Parliament in London in June 2012.

Glyn Davies, MP for Montgomeryshire, encourages local primary schools to get involved:

“I encourage all local primary schools to get involved with Make IT Happy this year. The competition offers a unique way for schools to make a positive impact on their own and others’ lives, while at the same time enhancing their knowledge of IT. As well as the cash prizes on offer, I’m confident that pupils will enjoy the chance to work together on such an exciting and relevant project. Entries should be as imaginative as possible in order to capture the attention of the judges. The competition is all about giving young people a chance to use their imagination, creativity and technology skills and show how IT can make a difference to their own health and that of others.”

The closing date for entries is April 8th 2012.

For further information and details of how to enter, visit the website at


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