Plaid Leadership Candidate Boosted by Support of PCS Leader

Plaid’s Leanne Wood has received the backing of one of the leading figures in the trade union movement.

Mark Serwotka, the General Secretary of the Public and Commercial Services Union, endorsed the work of Ms Wood, calling her “one of the most outstanding politicians in Wales.”

The South Wales Central AM has been a fervent defender of workers’ rights and has been a consistent supporter of picket lines and union rallies over the years in defence of pay and conditions for public sector workers. Leanne is also the current chairperson of the cross-party PCS Group at the National Assembly.

Mr Serwotka, who hails from Aberdare, said: “Leanne has been a consistent friend of PCS and a determined campaigner in support of our members’ interests.

“When we set up a cross-party group in the National Assembly in 2005, Leanne was elected chair, and she has maintained that position to the present day.

“She has energetically taken up our concerns at every opportunity – pressing ministers and senior management for assurances on jobs, pay and conditions. Whenever we have been in dispute, she has spoken up for the justice of our cause. She has offered solidarity on picket-lines and at strike rallies.

“PCS is grateful for the unstinting support that Leanne has given over the years – no Welsh politician has been a more reliable friend to our members.”

He added: “I have no doubt that she is one of the most outstanding politicians in Wales and we are proud to support her in whatever way we can.”

Ms Wood said: “Mark is somebody I admire very much so his support means a great deal to me.  He has been a constant thorn in the side of successive Westminster Governments whenever they have tried to rip up the hard-won rights of his members.

“He is not afraid to stand up for what is right and is prepared to take the side of public sector workers in the face of continual and unjust attacks from the Con/Dem Government.

“While other political parties now shy away from publicly endorsing the rights of public sector workers, I believe Plaid Cymru can lead the way in showing workers that we are the party that will represent their interests and fight for their rights for a living wage and a retirement not in poverty.

“I firmly believe that Wales will be better off as an independent country but until that happens, it is imperative we fight to keep what services and jobs we have.  Only genuine strong political leadership from Wales in standing up to Westminster can achieve that.

“This is what Plaid Cymru can offer to the electorate of Wales.”

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