Going Green at Ysgol Glan Morfa

Environmentally-conscious schoolchildren in Splott have been doing their bit for their local area as they aim to become an eco-school.

Children and staff from Ysgol Glan Morfa have taken part in a three-day campaign of eco activities which has seen them learning more about their surroundings and helping to conserve their environment.

All year groups at the school have been involved in the activities which have included building insect houses, learning gardening skills, making fat and seed balls for birds to be hung in the school yard and a litter pick.

The litter pick took place with the support of the Friends of Moorland Park, Cardiff Council’s Parks Department and Executive Member for Education and Lifelong Learning, Cllr Freda Salway.

More than 30 volunteers joined the litter pick up which helped give the pupils a chance to share leadership roles as well as the opportunity to show how much they value their community. The final count of collected rubbish was 10 bags which included general household rubbish, nappies, empty bottles and cans and used fireworks. The Eco-Schools programme is an initiative that encourages pupils to engage with environmental and sustainable development issues.  The programme is a learning resource and topic areas include litter, waste minimisation, transport, healthy living, energy, water, school grounds and global citizenship.

Pupils take key roles in decision making and participation in order to reduce the environmental impact of their school. The school now plans to produce their own one-off special newspaper reporting all the details of their eco campaign to let everyone know about their hard work.

Executive Member for Education and Lifelong Learning, Cllr Freda Salway, said: “I was really pleased to support Ysgol Glan Morfa on their recent litter pick. It’s great to see children giving something back to their community and making sure it’s a nice place to live for everyone. I wish the school all the best in their bid to become an eco-school – they are certainly well on the way.”

Ysgol Glan Morfa headteacher, Sian Thomas, said: “Not only do our school grounds and park look much better but the projects have given the children the opportunity to look at the damaging effects litter has on wildlife and the environment.”

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