Governing Body of the Church in Wales – April 14-15, 2010

The future of the Church in Wales as it approaches its centenary will be the focus of members of its Governing Body when it meets next week.

Marking the 90th anniversary this year of the dis-establishment of the Church, members will discuss what they think its priorities should be as it reaches its landmark birthday and begins a new era.

The Archbishop of Wales, Dr Barry Morgan, who is President of the Governing Body, will open the meeting with a keynote speech celebrating the Church’s history and outlining a vision for its future.

The two-day event takes place on Wednesday and Thursday (April 14-15) at the University of Wales, Lampeter.

Other items on the agenda include:

  • A motion to adopt a five-year vocations strategy to address the urgent need for more people to be ordained;
  • A report on burial grounds, which will include a motion to call on the Welsh Assembly Government and local authorities to develop a coordinated approach to providing and maintaining burial space and to exploring ideas for looking after closed churchyards.
  • A discussion in groups on the role of Bishops and the Archbishop;
  • A motion to adopt an updated Ethical Investment Policy which includes investing in companies with responsible employment practices, an awareness of environmental impact and fair trading practices.

The Governing Body has 144 members which include the six Diocesan Bishops and elected clergy (one third) and elected lay people (two-thirds). It meets twice a year, in April and September.


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