Graham Expresses Confidence in Team Tackling Legionnaires Outbreak

William Graham (Conservative AM for South Wales East) responding to the outbreak of Legionnaires disease around the ‘Heads of the Valleys corridor’:

“I have total confidence in the investigation to identify the source of this outbreak by Public Health Wales, the Health and Safety Executive and environmental health officers from our local authorities; and in the co-ordination of treatment by the Aneurin Bevan Health Board and our GPs”.

“People should be aware that Legionnaires disease starts with flu-like symptoms and can potentially lead to pneumonia. However, it is not passed on through person to person contact. People become infected when they breathe in the Legionella bacteria, which have spread through the air in the form of a fine mist or droplets from a contaminated water source”.

“I advise anyone who has concerns about their health to contact their GP”.


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