Graham: Labour Must get Brand of Wales Right

William Graham AM

William Graham AM

Responding to the Welsh Government’s statement on the marketing and promotion of Wales, William Graham AM, Shadow Minister for Business, said:

“Labour Ministers have previously admitted that their marketing strategies failed to properly sell Wales to the world and must now address their shortcomings.

“Trade missions are an important way of promoting Wales and securing lucrative contracts for Welsh businesses, but after 15 years of successive Labour governments, we are still not seeing the gains for the amount of taxpayers’ money spent jetting Labour Ministers around the world.

“Carwyn Jones must focus on recruiting as many businesses as possible to his foreign trips to properly showcase the economic offer of the Welsh private sector to help create jobs and secure inward investment.”

Suzy Davies AM, Shadow Minister for Tourism, said, “I am always happy to hear how the Welsh Government is promoting Wales to new tourist markets abroad.

“However, the Minister could still make more of buy-in to Visit Britain’s GREAT campaign which continues to build on the attention created by London 2012.

“I also look forward to the long awaited secondment of an official from Visit Wales to Visit Britain to help get the most out of the UK’s marketing clout.”

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