Ground-Breaking University Programme Receives AM’s Support

Lesley_GriffithsAssembly Member Lesley Griffiths has backed an innovative new degree programme taking place in Wrexham.

The Glyndwr Wrexham Football Academy (GWFA) is offering former apprentice and professional players the unique opportunity to continue to play professional football, whilst also studying for a degree.

The link-up between Wrexham FC and Glyndwr University offers young players, released by some of  the country’s biggest clubs, a second chance to not only make it as a professional, but also to further their academic careers.

Glyndwr Wrexham Football Academy players will be both a registered player with Wrexham FC and a student at Glyndwr University. They will be provided with the opportunity to undertake a range of degrees tailored specifically around training and team commitments.

The scheme is backed by the Professional Football Association (PFA) and supported by League Football Education (LFE). High profile GWFA ambassadors include former Liverpool star Michael Owen, Arsenal’s Welsh international Aaron Ramsey and Swansea City’s Neil Taylor, who came through the ranks at Wrexham FC.

Wrexham AM Lesley Griffiths said:

“The Glyndwr Wrexham Football Academy concept provides former apprentices with a unique opportunity, granting them a second chance and enabling them to reach their full potential, both on and off the pitch.”

“It’s a situation that benefits everyone, from the players and the club to the university and the community.”

“The programme has generated a lot of positive publicity for the town and it is great to have such an innovative concept associated with Wrexham FC and Glyndwr University.”


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