Gwynedd Council keeps the traffic moving despite severe weather

Keeping the roads open and safe for traffic has been a huge challenge for Gwynedd Council’s gritting team during the cold snap.

Around 37% of Gwynedd’s roads are pre-treated with salt and grit by the Council’s Highways and Municipal Service when snow and ice is predicted – this is around 670 miles, the equivalent of driving from Caernarfon to the city of Luxembourg.

Gwyn Morris Jones, Gwynedd Council’s head of Highways and Municipal, said:

“It takes around four hours to treat Gwynedd’s primary routes. Unfortunately, when it snows, the gritting teams can get caught up in the same traffic problems as everyone else, which slows down their work.

“Despite having a full capacity supply of salt in our barns at the beginning of the winter season our salt stock has reduced significantly as the Council’s gritting teams have now been in action in all but two days during the past month.

“Because our rock salt supplier has recently been unable to supply a significant quantity replacement stocks Gwynedd, like many councils throughout the UK, will be concentrating on gritting first priority routes for the time being.”

The Council has today (Friday, 8 January) secured 84 tonnes of rock salt with further loads expected tomorrow (Saturday). Following this delivery, the Council now has sufficient salt to treat first priority roads for a period of four days of icy conditions, or one and a half days of severe snow.

Even though major routes have been treated they can still be perilous in extreme weather conditions. The Council is urging people to take extra care.

Gwyn Morris Jones, Gwynedd Council’s Head of Highways and Municipal, added:

“Everyone should take care on our roads because of the wintry weather. Remember – they may look clear but black ice can be very dangerous.

“My advice would be to slow down and be aware of other road users – brake gently and in plenty of time. Remember to double or triple the normal stopping distance from the vehicle in front.

“We would appeal to people not to travel in severe weather conditions unless the journey is absolutely necessary, and to try to stick to the main roads which have been gritted.”

Other tips for safe driving is to make sure that you are prepared for all eventualities and your car is well maintained and carries the correct equipment.

  • Ensure tyres are inflated correctly and that you have a minimum of 3mm of tread on your tyres.
  • Ensure your antifreeze in the radiator is topped up, your battery is in good condition, that the windscreen wipers are in good working order and your windscreen-washer bottle is full.
  • Carry an emergency pack – this may contain jump leads, shovel, ice scraper, warm clothes or blanket, torch, food and drinking water, sturdy boots, mobile phone, first aid kit.
  • Be aware of other road users and pedestrians – it will take longer for you to stop if the road is slippery.

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