Gwynedd supports Breastfeeding Awareness Week

As Wales has some of the lowest rates of breastfeeding in Western Europe, next week’s national Breastfeeding Awareness Week (21- 27 June) is an opportunity to raise public awareness and highlight the benefits for both mother and baby.

The week-long campaign arranged by the Welsh Assembly Government, and supported in Gwynedd by the County’s Health Challenge Alliance with the aim of promoting the importance of breastfeeding.

Llinos Roberts, Gwynedd Council’s Health and Wellbeing Facilitator and co-ordinator of the Gwynedd Breastfeeding Strategy Group said:

“We aim as a group to raise public awareness of the health protections that breastfeeding gives babies, with more protection from gastro-enteritis, chest and ear infections, diabetes and allergies and other illnesses and also ensure support for those mothers who choose to breastfeed.

“Our aim during the week is to celebrate the achievements of those mothers who have chosen to breastfeed their babies and to encourage more mothers to give their child the best possible start in life. Not only are babies who are fed on their mothers milk healthier, mothers too are less likely to suffer from breast cancer and ovarian cancer.”

For further information about breastfeeding in Gwynedd, contact Llinos Roberts Health and Well-being Facilitator on 01286 679433.


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