Have your say on health, social care and well-being plans

Obesity and misuse of drugs, alcohol and tobacco are being targeted in the latest plans to improve the health and quality of life of people across Swansea.

Residents and organisations are being given the chance to have their say on the draft Health, Social Care and Well-Being Strategy for Swansea 2011 to 2014.

The wide-ranging plan has been developed by Health Challenge Swansea which includes Swansea Council and its health, education and voluntary sector partners.

The draft strategy is building on the success story of its predecessor which resulted in a 10% jump in MMR vaccinations, hundreds of people giving up smoking and almost 100 local schools joining the Healthy Schools programme.

Research has shown that potentially 14 years can be added to life by taking regular exercise, eating a healthy balanced diet, not smoking and only drinking below the recommended limits.

The latest strategy will see the Council working with partners to tackle issues such as misuse of drugs, alcohol and tobacco. It’s hoped this will help people to maintain a healthy weight, give children a good start to life and enable independence in old age.

The plan will also aim to ensure there is better joint working between health and social care and to develop services so that more care is delivered in community settings.

Nick Tregoning, Cabinet Member for Social Services and Chair of the Health Challenge Swansea board, said: “The ultimate aim of this strategy is to support local people to live longer, healthier lives.

“These are difficult times. Even if they were not, we would need to look at how we use precious resources to ensure that we get the most benefit out of every pound spent. Swansea’s citizens expect that of us all and they are right to do so.

“That means working more closely together to help individuals and communities protect their own health and well-being.

“We also need to reduce increasing levels of dependence on certain types of health and social care services such as care homes and hospitals and act in such a way as to help people keep their independence and stay fitter for longer.”

Residents can have their say on the 2011 to 2014 strategy using an online form following the link on www.healthchallengeswansea.org.uk

The closing date for comment is January 24.

A full copy of the draft plan can be found at libraries across Swansea, Swansea Civic Centre, the Local Health Board Offices in Oldway House, on www.healthchallengeswansea.org.uk or by calling 01792 601800.


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