Help beat depression with a paint brush

Our good friends at ‘Journeys – Toward Recovery from Depression’ are moving premises and are looking for volunteers to help spruce up their new offices.

Journeys was launched in April 2008 and are the only organisation in the UK whose sole purpose is to help people affected by depression find their own route to recovery.

They do this by providing support and understanding to people affected by depression and their families and friends; developing and delivering training courses; producing practical resources; creating and distributing unique depression related publications and running mutual support services. They also conduct research, campaign and lobby decision makers for the rights and fair treatment of people affected by depression.

They have generously been given a token lease on 38 Albany Road, Roath, Cardiff (the floors above Threshers). It’s an awesome gift – but there is one big caveat. The top floors have not been lived in for 15 years or so. It is pretty much a cosmetic train wreck. They are putting in central heating, having the electrics redone, replastering, painting – the works.

But, because the contractor is donating so much of the building costs, they really need volunteers to help out. They also need help decorating.

They tell us:

“We have a lovely, bright well designed colour palette – but have exhausted our collective creative abilities in determining accent wall colours on one of the three floors. The building has so much potential, particularly for art therapy space and as a model for other organisations/businesses on how to create workspaces that inspire employees and reduce stress. We just need hands, minds and hearts to make it happen.”

They are also in need of furniture (lots of office furniture, accessories, decorating fabrics, etc…)

You can contact Journeys on 029 2069 2891 or email [email protected]

To learn more about Journeys – Toward Recovery from Depression visit

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