Help Us Find Ratty

Photograph by Margaret Holland

Photograph by Margaret Holland

Mole’s friend Ratty, the misnamed water vole, has faced some serious threats over the last few decades. Water voles are a protected species but sadly these cute creatures are in decline due to habitat loss and predation by American mink.

The Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales have an exciting new project starting in 2014 to map the distribution of water voles in Ceredigion and Carmarthenshire. To try to save this much loved species it is important to survey them, to monitor their populations and to work out what needs to be done to improve their chances of survival such as habitat management.

Nia Stephens has just been appointed as Water Vole Officer and will be surveying for water voles from March until October.

Nia said:

“It is very important we find out where the water voles are so that we can make sure that they and their habitats are protected. If any landowners know of water voles on their land we would be extremely grateful if they could contact us.”

If you would like more information, know of any water vole sites or would like to get involved as a volunteer on the water vole project please email Nia – [email protected]

This project is funded by the Welsh Government Resilient Ecosystems Fund and by the Megan Jones legacy.

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