Improving Housing announcement ‘great news’ for Rhyl

Denbighshire County Council and the Pennaf Housing Group have hailed the Welsh Government’s announcement of funding for ambitious plans to demolish properties in West Rhyl and transform the land into open space as great news for the town.

The Welsh Government has made £10m funding available for the project, (as part of a £90 million investment programme across Wales) which involves plans for some properties in parts of Gronant Street and Aquarium Street. The proposed development will form a major part of the long-term programme for regenerating Rhyl.

It’s expected that the funding would become available in April next year. Some buildings have already been acquired for the proposals and further consultations are ongoing within the local community.

Councillor David Thomas, Denbighshire’s Cabinet Lead Member with responsibility for Regeneration, said: “This is an extremely ambitious programme and one which would result in a much needed area of green space in West Rhyl. In every consultation carried out by the Council the need for improving housing in this part of Rhyl is made obvious and we are listening to the views of local people and addressing local needs.

“As well as creating green space, work will also take place to improve the standard of properties. The proposed plan will radically change the look and feel of the area and will hopefully be a catalyst to boosting the confidence of regeneration in Rhyl.

“Upmost in our minds are the people that would be affected by the proposals and we have done our utmost to contact tenants and landlords to explain the proposals. If the plan gets the go-ahead, then we will enter into negotiations with owners to acquire properties and take steps to relocate the tenants affected.

Now plans are approved, the Council will work with Pennaf and the Welsh Government to arrange further consultation with local residents on the kind of facilities they would like to see within the new open space area.

Mr Graham Worthington, Chief Executive of the Pennaf Housing Group said:  “We welcome the Welsh Government announcement concerning funding for this vital regeneration work in Rhyl which represents the start of a long-term investment programme in West Rhyl.

Vale of Clwyd AM Ann Jones said:“I am delighted that this funding has been secured to boost the regeneration effort in West Rhyl.

Denbighshire County Council and the Welsh Government are working in partnership to deliver in the area and I am pleased to continue working with the Council Leader to make this project work.”


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