Isherwood: Scrutiny of Council Spending ‘Vital’

Mark Isherwood

Mark Isherwood

Commenting on the publication of a report by the Wales Audit Office, which concludes that there is a lack of consistency in the scrutiny process of Welsh local authorities, Mark Isherwood AM, Shadow Minister for Local Government, said:

“Welsh local authorities spend billions of pounds of taxpayers’ money every year so thorough scrutiny of decision-making and spending is vital.

“With 22 local authorities, there is plenty of opportunity for sharing best practice to drive up standards of scrutiny and accountability across the country.

“Scrutiny is not just the role of opposition councillors, but the duty of all elected members, but the easiest way to improve scrutiny is through greater transparency.

“Many local authorities would do well to learn from the openness of Conservative-led Monmouthshire Council, which publishes all expenditure above £1 online, making scrutiny easier for councillors and the tax-paying public.

“Numerous reports have highlighted that officer-led cultures in local authorities are undemocratic and unacceptable as it is the duty of elected members to scrutinise actions and visions in detail and hold services to account.

“Local authorities and the Welsh Government should study the findings of this report and act to help councils make it easier for the people they represent to hold them to account.”


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