Isherwood: Welsh Government should honour Great War anniversary

Welsh Conservatives have called on the Welsh Government to formally recognise the 100 year anniversary of the Great War in 2014.

Leading the debate, Shadow Social Justice Minister, Mark Isherwood paid tribute to the dedication and commitment of Welsh armed forces personnel.

During May’s Assembly election campaign, Welsh Conservatives called for an Armed Forces Card, entitling all serving and ex-armed forces personnel priority NHS treatment for service-related injuries, free bus travel and other benefits.

Last month, the UK Government announced that that an announcement would shortly be made on Britain’s plans to mark the centenary of the start of World War One – in which 40,000 Welshmen died.

Mark Isherwood AM said, “It is impossible to overstate the massive contribution that our armed forces make to keeping our country safe.

“Welsh military personnel make many sacrifices to serve their country and we pay tribute to their dedication and commitment.

“It is more important than ever that we honour the lives lost and remember the sacrifices made in the Great War, particularly as there are no longer any veterans to tell their account.

“We are seeking cross-party support to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the start of the Great War, in which 40,000 Welshmen lost their lives defending our country.

“Welsh Conservatives have campaigned for an Armed Forces’ Card, which would clearly establish the rights of serving and ex-armed forces personnel, including NHS priority treatment for service-related conditions, a right which often goes unrecognised.

“More needs to be done to support our armed forces adjust to civilian life, which increasingly involves tackling the symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, a condition affecting an increasing number of servicemen and women.

“We welcome the Welsh Government’s commitment in taking forward aspects of the Armed Forces’ Card and encourage Ministers to consider these proposals to ensure our brave troops receive the recognition and support they deserve.”


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