Jenny Supports Summer Reading Challenge

Jenny_WillottJenny Willott, the Liberal Democrat MP for Cardiff Central, is supporting The Reading Agency’s Summer Reading Challenge 2014 to encourage primary school children to join their local library and enjoy reading throughout the Summer holidays.
The theme this year is “Mythical Maze.” Children who sign up will be given a mythical maze poster. When they borrow and read books, they can collect stickers of mythical creatures to complete their poster. Children are encouraged to tell friends, family and carers about the books they read.

The Summer Reading Challenge has a mini-challenge for pre-schoolers while for young people aged 13 to 24, there is an opportunity to volunteer and support younger children taking part.

Last year 4,853 children in Cardiff took part in the Summer Reading Challenge.

Commenting, Jenny Willott MP, said:

“I hope parents, grandparents and carers will take their children to the library and sign them up for the Summer Reading Challenge. I’ll certainly be taking my children! It’s free and makes reading fun. Local libraries are an important part of our communities and through the Challenge hopefully more people will see what they have to offer. This is a great idea and I hope everyone gets involved and enjoys reading throughout the Summer.”

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