Kirsty Williams Comments on Welsh Government’s “Prudent Medicine” Announcement

Kirsty_Williams_2011The Health Minister will admit today that a vast sum of the Welsh NHS budget is wasted on treatment that “either does no good or does harm” and will call on the Welsh NHS to adopt a policy of “prudent medicine”.  Speaking ahead of the speech, Kirsty Williams, leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats said:

“We have known for a long time that Wales spends more on healthcare per patient than other parts of the UK, but with worse outcomes.

“As a member of the health committee we have been told repeatedly by health officials at every level of the NHS that we are spending money on the wrong things.

“I am pleased that the Welsh Government has finally woken up to this fact. However, the devil will be in the detail and I will be looking at the proposals very closely to ensure that patients in Wales are not losing out as a result.”
