Kirsty Williams supports Cwmdu Church in Wales Primary School Protest

Cwmdu is a rural farming community. The school has been earmarked for possible closure because pupil numbers have fallen below 30, which is in line with the current Powys policy.

A spokesperson told us:

“This has however, been engineered by the local authority who for the last 2 years have been telling prospective parents that Cwmdu was closing.

“If our school closes the children will be transported to other local schools which doesn’t send to the younger generation a positive environmental message; another cost not factored into this ‘cost saving’ exercise.

“They (Powys County Council) published a document that held numerous inaccuracies regarding our school which distorted how much it actually costs to run! There is also no profit to be made from the sale of our building as it is owned by the Church and We feel that this has been underhand and does not follow any protocol or procedure for closure, particularly as information was ‘leaked’ to the media in January during this supposedly ‘informal’ consultation which is supposed to be confidential, before any conversation with the Governors or parents  – and we have correspondence confirming this from County!

“Our parents and children feel we have been treated poorly in this whole situation and don’t want them to get away with it.

“One of the children affected is Tom Pettifer, who recently enjoyed his day at the Royal Wedding  as page boy and god son to Prince William.”

Cwmdu is a community school with strong links to the Eisteddfod which is celebrating its 90th year in Cwmdu, one of the oldest in the Country.

Parents and pupils will be protesting on 5th July before the Cabinet meeting that will decide the fate of the school.

Kirsty Williams AM said at this week’s meeting at the school that she is pushing for the deferral of the decision and to include the school in with the modernisation programme for the secondary schools so that children are not scattered to another primary school which may then also close, causing too many upsets and transitions for local children, who adore the school; the Estyn report mentioned how ‘inclusive’ and ‘caring’ the school is and how the children are fortunate to be both taught and ‘mothered’ by the excellent teaching staff.

The spokesperson concluded:

“In fact many parents choose to drive past 1-3 other schools locally in order to bring their children to Cwmdu, which should speak volumes as to how fantastic the school is!”

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