Kirsty Williams: Welsh Labour Letting Patients and Paramedics Down

Kirsty Williams

Kirsty Williams

Figures released today show that, in April, just 56.7% of emergency responses to Category A (immediately life-threatening) calls arrived at the scene within 8 minutes – down from 57.2% in April 2013 – and well below the target of 65%. In England and Scotland the target for the same priority call is 75%.

Commenting Kirsty Williams, Leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats, said:

“When the figures were at a record low in February, the Labour health minister blamed the weather. Now they are less than 4% higher, what excuse can he use this time? Is this the level Welsh people can expect from this Labour government from now on?

“Welsh Paramedics are working tirelessly and are doing the best they can. However, they are telling me that they are spending so much time waiting outside hospitals that they are not able to be out where they should be, on the roads saving lives.

“Fast ambulance responses mean the difference between life and death. It is not right or fair that people in Wales have to accept a slower responses than patients across the border.”


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