Last call for 2011 Queen’s Volunteer Award nominations

The Lord-Lieutenant of Gwent Mr Simon Boyle today called on the county to nominate outstanding local voluntary groups for next year’s The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service, the MBE for volunteer groups.

Nominations for the 2011 Award should be received by 30th September 2010 therefore those who know of the great work or indeed have benefited from a voluntary group’s hard work should nominate now. Successful groups will be announced on 2nd June 2011.

Further information can be gained and forms can be downloaded by visiting the DirectGov website. or by calling 020 7781 2397 to request a hard copy.

Simon Boyle said, “Voluntary groups in Gwent continue to play a pivotal role in the community, and in many individuals’ lives. Recognising their influence is vital and I would hope the whole of Gwent will express their gratitude to these groups by nominating as many as possible for The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service, the MBE for volunteer groups and the highest honour in the voluntary sector.

Gwent’s volunteers carry out tremendous work across a number of areas such as youth projects, BME and rural community based initiatives and these are the types of groups for which we would like to encourage more nominations. We have a plethora of groups who could be nominated so please visit the website or call 020 7781 2397 to find out more and nominate.”

850 groups from across the UK – have now received The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service since it was created by Her Majesty to mark the occasion of her Golden Jubilee in 2002. Groups from different backgrounds providing extremely diverse activities have all felt the Award’s benefits, which include – attracting more volunteers, increased awareness of the group to potential funders and of course helping to raise morale amongst existing volunteers.

This year’s winners from across the UK can be found by visiting the DirectGov website,while case studies can be found in the Case Studies section.

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