Library Event Works-Out Mind and Muscles

Cardiff Central Library is to launch the All Wales Library Festival with a unique and exciting event inspired by the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.  

The two-week campaign will commence on Thursday 2, November with Get Active, an event which aims to encourage new and existing customers to get involved in libraries, sport, work and play.

Ex-British sprint athlete Jamie Baulch, Paralympic field athlete Nathan Stephens and members from the Cardiff Devils Ice Hockey team will attend the event which is supported by Sport.Cardiff.

The All Wales Library Festival has been awarded the London 2012 Inspire Mark which aims to help bring the benefits of the London 2012 Olympic Games to every part of the UK. It recognises non-commercial organisations that are delivering projects genuinely inspired by the London Olympic and Paralympic Games.

It is only awarded to schemes of the highest standard that demonstrate they are accessible, participative, inspiring and stimulating and will become part of the London 2012’s brand family.

Get Active aims to challenge people’s perception of libraries and encourage new members to join whilst providing customers with an opportunity to learn about sport, exercise and health.

A programme of various activities and information will be on offer throughout the day for visitors.

Sports tasters from Cardiff Blues, Cardiff Devils, Wales Table Tennis and Welsh Netball as well as St Pats karate and 2 step street dance, are amongst the activities people can participate in.
There will also be demonstrations including football free styling from Guinness World Record Holder Ash Randell, fitness testing from the Active Fit Squad, information from the GP Referrel Scheme, a swim clinic and the ‘Smoothie Bike’ where people can make a fresh fruit smoothie using pedal power!

For children there will be circus skills, storytelling and the Council’s Play Services will deliver organised play opportunities.

There will also be a CV clinic and interview workshop for those searching for jobs.

The All Wales Library Festival is a programme of events which runs all over Cardiff and the rest of Wales and aims to promote libraries in Wales. Activities take place in libraries to encourage local communities to join and utilise their local library.

Executive Member for Sport, Leisure and Culture, Cllr Nigel Howells said: “Get Active is an exciting event and with the support of the London 2012 Inspire Mark it challenges the library stereotype.

“It not only promotes the many benefits of being a library member, it also gives people the opportunity to engage in new sports and learn about maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle.”


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