Line up announced for February ‘Stute Comedy Night

Later this month, why not grab some friends and come along and enjoy a great value evening of comedy featuring some of the hottest new acts on the UK comedy circuit?

Friday 11th February will see the first ‘Stute Comedy Night of the season at Blackwood Miners’ Institute, featuring three top comedians.

Noel James has performed at all the major clubs and festivals across the UK – surreal, bizarre, absurd, intelligent and yet, somehow strangely attractive. No seriously, he is a very accessible act who generally goes down well anywhere.

He’s also done a bit of serious acting, and as for music! Well, what he does is throw in a bit of guitar playing and singing, of a sort, as well as a few prop gags. We’re telling you, this man is so spontaneous he’d combust if it didn’t ruin his shirt!

…Liberates the lunatic side to our personalities… brilliantly!…” Time Out.

Chris Brooker infectious energy and enthusiasm sweeps through a room like an irresistible force. Chris’ combination of hilarious, original material and inspired improvisation means that you will never see the same routine twice.

…Very funny, very quick… on the spot humour…” BBC.

Windsor is a first class compere and stand-up who has combined years of street-performance skills with a natural charm and warmth, along with an enviable ability to make people relax.

…A very good act with excellent control of his audience…” Melbourne Age.

Further ‘Stute Comedy Nights are planned for Friday 11th March and Friday 8th April, both beginning at 8pm. Join the e-list to be among the first to know the line up as soon as it is confirmed at

Why not save yourself £3 by booking early? Tickets cost £7 in advance or £10 on the door.

To book your tickets, please call the Box Office on 01495 227 206 or visit


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