Llandudno Junction residents scoops SmartWater kit

Providing feedback on a new police initiative has gained a Llandudno Junction resident a home security SmartWater kit.

Christine Hughes took time out to speak to North Wales Police Cadets in December when they took to the streets to conduct a pre-pilot survey in a bid to find out exactly what people thought of a welcome pack for homeowners that is due to be launched next month. The pack has been designed with new homeowners in mind and contains a variety of information. The young volunteer Cadets were out gaining public feedback on the project in a bid to ensure that the information designed and outlined to be in the pack is both relevant and useful.

All individuals who completed the survey were placed in a draw to win the SmartWater pack which was won by Christine.

Christine Hughes said: “The Homeowners Welcome Pack is a great idea and I was really pleased to receive the SmartWater pack.”

The Homeowners Welcome Pack was the brainchild of Caroline Naughton, who is a Marketing and Administration Officer with the Operational Services Group with the force. She said: “As a local resident, I came up with the idea as I felt it would provide important information that I would have, and would still find useful, not only when I first bought a property but also as something I could keep in the house to refer to if and when I needed it in future.”

The Homeowners Welcome Pack has been produced in conjunction with the North Wales Fire and Rescue Service. Peter Large Estate Agents are assisting with the pilot which will be launched in February and will contain valuable advice and information on various topics including crime prevention, fire safety advice and information from other bodies including local authorities.

Photograph: Christine Hughes and Caroline Naughton of North Wales Police

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