Local Government takes UK lead on developing Autistic Adult App

This week, the WLGA has kick started pioneering work to develop a mobile phone application aimed at improving services for adults with autism and aspergers, as well as supporting their carers and their families.

The mobile phone application is being developed in response to the Welsh Assembly Government’s ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder) Strategic Action Plan for Wales which was launched in April 2008.
The App is the first of its kind across the UK and has already attracted international interest for its unique approach to supporting autistic adults by offering them help to manage daily activities and social situations.

Cllr Meryl Gravell (Carmarthenshire), WLGA spokesperson for Social Services said:
“This funding released to local Government in 2010 has enabled pioneering work to be started that will enable adults with high functioning autism and aspergers to fulfill their potential in today’s society.

There are already many services out there which provide support to children on the autistic spectrum but few which specifically target ASD adults.  I am delighted that local government is leading on this innovative and pioneering project. We thank the Welsh Assembly Government for providing local government with this funding and for recognising local government’s potential in developing this important work. The SSIA team within the WLGA is committed to ensuring that learning, developments and good practice in the field of ASD are shared across Wales and we will continue to build on the work currently being undertaken.”
In addition to the phone App which will be available later this year, an ASD e- resource is already available which hosts a range of learning and improvement tools for ASD adults.  Also available is a range of support materials for carers, families, practitioners and employers.

The ASD e resource includes training materials, an online advisor, support for employers and updates on the implementation of the ASD Strategic Action Plan for Wales.

For further information on the ASD e-resource visit: www.ASDinfo.co.uk


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