Lucas: Royal Mail Job Cuts will Cause Concern in North Wales

424px-Ian_LucasPlans for major job cuts at the Royal Mail will be watched nervously by postal workers in North Wales.

That is the prediction of Wrexham MP Ian Lucas, who has previously expressed concerns about the Royal Mail’s plans for its estates – including property in Wrexham – following the company’s privatisation by the Government.

Royal Mail says the cuts to jobs, unveiled today, will mostly take place at its head office – but Mr Lucas warned that many staff would be concerned about future changes as a result.

He said: “These changes are, I think, what staff may have been expecting when the Royal Mail was privatised. We have seen it with privatised gas and water companies too – these companies operate in their own interests, not those of the consumer or their staff.

“I have no doubt Royal Mail staff will be concerned about the company’s future plans now.

“That is why I was so keen for the Royal Mail to give some assurances about their plans for property in Wrexham. While I understand that new investment is currently planned for the town, the situation needs to be kept closely under review.”

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