Massive Increase in Research Investment at Swansea University

Research investment is set to soar at Swansea University as it reaps the rewards of its success in the 2008 Research Assessment of all UK universities.

Core research funding from the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) was increased immediately by 40% because of the Research Assessment results. Now the University can announce that £65 million of new research contracts have been obtained since August 2009. This compares with the previous average of £19 million per year.

Professor Richard B. Davies (pictured), the University’s Vice Chancellor explained: “This is a remarkable success story, particularly noteworthy at these times of financial turbulence.

“Research-led universities develop and grow through the combined efforts of the academics winning research grants. Swansea’s impressive performance in the Research Assessment Exercise has given a boost to these efforts.

“In particular, it has helped attract industrial funding because we are now seen as a major player. Industry is increasingly partnering with universities which have the international quality and scale of research to support their own R&D activities.

“The new contracts include some European Convergence projects which through new facilities and staff will enable us to grow our collaborative research with industry even further. These projects will ensure that this years research grant success is sustainable in the future as well as helping to create well-paid jobs in the region.”

The externally funded projects – which cover the whole spectrum of research – include clinical research into the cures for major diseases (such as cancer, obesity and diabetes); investigations into the significance of matter and anti-matter; and the practical understanding of how best to deliver improved urban planning to meet the needs of older people.

Among the major projects that have attracted investment to Swansea and south west Wales in the past twelve (12) months are:

  • Institute for Life Science Phase 2 (ILS2)
  • Centre for NanoHealth (CNH)
  • Steel Training Research and Innovation Partnership (STRIP)
  • Leadership & Entrepreneurship Development (LEAD)

Professor Davies concluded: “The Welsh Assembly Government’s recently announced economic renewal strategy recognises the importance of university research in helping to drive the development of a modern economy in Wales. This will require Welsh universities to start punching above their weight. Swansea University is already working hard to meet this challenge.”


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