Millar: Budget Offers Cash for Fund to Repair Cathedrals

Darren_MillarClwyd West AM Darren Millar has welcomed new funding for cathedral repairs announced in the 2014 Budget.
The grant scheme will provide £20 million towards grants for repairs to cathedrals across the UK, and Darren has urged the Welsh Government to use the allocation for Wales to support cathedrals here.

Darren, who is Chair of the Cross Party Group on Faith in the Assembly and has long been calling for more to be done to improve faith tourism, said:

“This announcement is potentially very good news for Welsh cathedrals, and I very much hope that the Welsh Government will use its allocation of £1.15 million to make sure we repair and preserve cathedrals across Wales.

“St Asaph Cathedral is currently fundraising for improvements to accommodate visitors, so I am sure they will be interested to know what support the Welsh Government may be able to offer.

“The cathedral in St Asaph is an important part of our community and attracts thousands of visitors to the area each year. Figures from Visit Wales show that places of worship are among the most visited visitor attractions in Wales, so it is vital that we look after them.

“I look forward to working with St Asaph Cathedral and the local community to make sure we benefit from this funding.”

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