Re-appeal to Help Locate Missing Newport Teenager Nida Naseer

IMG_20130901_153859It has been over two and a half months since 19 year old Nida Naseer went missing from her Newport home and Police and her family are renewing the appeal to locate her.

Despite extensive enquiries since she went missing including publicity appeals, leaflet appeals, family appeals, examination of in excess of 800 hours of CCTV footage, over 200 statements taken, over 630 lines of enquiry generated, over 60 reported sightings dealt with from across the UK, there has been no positive sightings of Nida since she went missing from her Newport home on Saturday December 28th

Nida was reported missing from her address in Linton Street, Pill on Saturday December 28th 2013. Nida was last seen at the address at approximately 8pm. Nida is of Asian-Pakistani appearance and has long dark hair, is slim and is five feet three inches tall.  She was last known to be wearing blue jeans and a black top.

Superintendent Mark Warrender, Local Policing Unit Commander for Newport said:

“Despite extensive investigations, Nida’s disappearance remains a mystery.  She literally has not been since the time she stepped outside her front door on Saturday December 28th. There is nothing to account for her disappearance.

“This continues to be a significant investigation and finding Nida remains a priority for Gwent Police. We continue to have a dedicated team of officers working on the investigation. While we have completed 450 of the 630 or so lines of enquiry generated, enquiries are far from complete and we continue to speak to Nida’s college friends and her family in order to identify any further potential lines of enquiry.

“However, at this moment in time, the physical searches on the ground, which took in over two miles in each direction around Nida’s home, have been completed although, of course, if we have further intelligence we will put more searches in place. We are nearing completion of the extensive CCTV work of which key elements will be reviewed.

“More than anything we want Nida to get in touch. We are continuing to support her family in every way we can and, as expected, they are beside themselves with worry”

Shamyla Naseer, Nida’s sister, said on behalf of the family:

“We miss Nida desperately and want her to come home. She must also be missing us. We miss her everyday but she has missed things that are special to the family: I have passed my exams, mum has had a birthday, she missed her own birthday. Shakeel has also had his 16th birthday and he is studying for his GCSEs and he’s missing her help. Our two year old nephew Hassan has started talking and is calling me La La (Aunty). I wish Nida could be here so he could say the same to her, instead he looks at her picture and says it”

“We want her to know that she is not in trouble at all, we just want her to make contact. We would appeal for anyone with any information, no matter how small, to get in touch with the police on 101”

If anyone can assist us with our enquiries to locate Nida, they are asked to call 101 and quote log number 448 28/12/13.


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