Millar: Call for National Cancer Co-ordinator

Welsh Conservatives will tomorrow call on the Welsh Labour Government to appoint a Cancer Co-ordinator to drive up standards in services and implement a National Cancer Plan.

Welsh Conservatives will call for support from other parties to work together to deliver a package of measures to improve cancer services across Wales.

Last week, Welsh Conservatives called on Welsh Labour Ministers to establish a Cancer Drugs Fund to tackle the inequalities in access to life-extending cancer medicines.

There are currently 24 life-prolonging drugs available to patients in England, but not in Wales.

Darren Millar AM, Shadow Minister for Health and Social Services, said, “With increasing prevalence, more people in Wales are living with cancer.

“While technology brings improved screenings and new treatments, too many cancer patients are being let down by excessive waiting times and battles over access to vital drugs.

“Welsh Labour Government’s target waiting times from referral to hospital treatment have not been met once in the past three years.

“At times of enormous distress to patients and their families, no one should have to fight to get access to vital cancer medicines, which are readily available to patients in England.

“24 cancer medicines are currently denied to patients in Wales because Welsh labour Ministers refuse to set up a Cancer Drugs Fund.

“Wales also needs a cancer co-ordinator – an individual with the power to drive up standards, implement a National cancer Plan and fight on behalf of patients to ensure services are adequately resourced.

“Cancer patients across Wales need swift action from Welsh Labour Ministers to ensure future improvements in cancer survival rates in Wales.


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