Millar speaks out on smacking ban

A North Wales AM has criticised a proposal to ban smacking of children in Wales.

Speaking ahead of a debate in the Senedd today which proposes to remove the legal defence of “legal chastisement,” Clwyd West AM Darren Millar said:

“A ban on smacking would criminalise tens of thousands of decent, loving parents who use physical chastisement to discipline their children and would be nigh on impossible to enforce.

“The overwhelming majority of parents know where to draw the line between chastisement and abuse and we should trust their judgement. Parents are best placed to care for their children – not the Government.

“Wales doesn’t need a ban on smacking to prevent child abuse. Comprehensive legislation is already in place to protect children from abuse and those who fall foul of the law should face the consequences of their actions.

“We need to promote a range of measure for parents to use when disciplining their children, but let’s not overlook the fact that alternatives to physical chastisement, such as using a naughty step, confining a child to a bedroom and shouting, can also have long term adverse consequences for children if used inappropriately by parents.

“Smacking is the ultimate sanction and I will continue to support the ability of parents in Wales to choose to use it when disciplining their children in the future.”

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