Millar: Welsh Patients set to be Denied Breast Cancer Drug

Darren Millar

Darren Millar

An innovative new breast cancer medicine will be made available to patients in England through the Cancer Drugs Fund, but Welsh patients could be denied the drug Kadcyla because of Labour’s refusal to set up a similar fund in Wales.
NICE is set to reject the use of Kadcyla, a new breast cancer treatment, on cost grounds, but it will be available in England through the Conservative-led Coalition’s Cancer Drugs Fund.

Welsh Conservatives have consistently campaigned for a Cancer Treatments Fund to be set up in Wales to end the postcode lottery in access to life-extending cancer medicines.

Darren Millar AM, Welsh Conservative Shadow Health Minister, said, “Yet again, Welsh cancer patients are set to lose out because of Labour’s refusal to establish a Cancer Treatments Fund.

“For many vulnerable cancer patients in England, the Cancer Drugs Fund is their safety net giving them access to effective medicines, which are turned down for NHS use solely on cost grounds.

“The absence of a similar fund in Wales will make it very difficult for Welsh patients to access Kadcyla in spite of its clinical effectiveness for suitable patients.

“Instead of imposing record-breaking cuts on the Welsh NHS Welsh Labour should look again at their budget priorities and invest in cancer care to put an end to the postcode lottery in access to cancer medicines here in Wales.

“Labour Ministers must reflect on this decision by NICE and the serious implications for Welsh cancer patients who are set to be denied yet another life-extending treatment that is readily available in other parts of the UK.”


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