Millar: Wind farms to net WAG £28m

Welsh Conservatives have learned that wind farms on Assembly Government owned land has netted WAG over £8m in the last five years, with an expected income of £20m over the next 3 years.

Figures obtained by Shadow Minister for Local Government Darren Millar AM, showed that the WAG has already accrued £8,183,928 and expect to generate another £20,579,525 by 2013 on Forestry Commission Wales (FCW) managed land.

Commenting on the figures, Mr Millar said:

“Wind farms on Forestry Commission land are earning the Assembly Government a sizable sum.

“The Minister was unable to provide me with the figures for those wind farms on other Assembly Government landholdings, so it is highly likely that income into WAG coffers is even more substantial.

“Given the large financial benefit to the Assembly Government, the public will rightly question how Welsh Ministers are able to make impartial planning decisions on wind farm applications which they are required to determine them at appeal.

“We recognise the importance of developing a low carbon economy in Wales, and harnessing renewable sources, including wind, creating jobs, guaranteeing our energy security and protecting our environment for future generations.

“Wales has the natural resources to generate wind and wave power, and a skilled workforce with the ideas to make the most of our green energy sources.

“But the Assembly Government needs to take into account local concerns over large scale wind energy projects and not impose them on communities against their will, such as those proposed in my constituency.

“Ministers should also re-examine planning guidance to ensure local views are fully taken into account before giving major wind farm developments the go-ahead.”

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