Ministers’ neglect of business cannot continue says Bourne

NickBourne100The new Assembly Government minister responsible for business rates must make a swift decision to support firms facing the prospect of higher bills next year, Welsh Conservatives demanded yesterday.

Challenging Local Government Minister Carl Sargeant to announce transitional relief in line with that already being introduced in England, Opposition leader Nick Bourne accused the Labour-Plaid administration of “neglecting” businesses in Wales.

In England, the Department for Communities and Local Government issued guidance on business rates and the rates relief threshold on 30 September 2009.

The Assembly Government has so far failed to make an announcement for businesses in Wales, despite repeated demands from businesses and the Welsh Conservatives.

Welsh Conservatives have repeatedly called on ministers to raise the threshold, delay revaluation until at least April 2011, and introduce a scheme to scrap or reduce rates for up to 90,000 businesses.

According to the Assembly Government’s own figures, as many as 40,000 Welsh businesses could see their rates rise next spring as a result of revaluation.

Nick Bourne AM said:

“With Wales in the grip of a damaging recession, businesses are looking to the Assembly Government for support. To date that support has been sadly lacking.

“The longer this neglect of business interests continues the harder it will be for Wales to emerge in a strong position from the downturn.

“The UK Government took steps to offset the impact of revaluation in England weeks ago yet ministers in Cardiff have still no produced their own plans for Wales.

“This dither and delay cannot be allowed to continue. The appointment of a new minister responsible for business rates provides an opportunity to take action when his predecessor failed.

“The Assembly Government should be taking action now to help firms across Wales during the recession.

“Welsh businesses need to know now what support is on offer so they can plan budgets for the next financial year.

“The longer ministers delay, the greater the prospect of businesses laying off staff or closing down altogether.”


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