Montgomeryshire MP Discusses Onshore Wind with Prime Minister

Glyn Davies, Conservative MP for Montgomeryshire, has (on Monday) met with Prime Minister David Cameron at No 10 Downing St. to discuss his concerns about the scale of onshore wind development in Mid Wales. He was accompanied by six other Conservative MPs, who had all signed a letter to the Prime Minister outlining their concerns. The meeting lasted just over 45 minutes and all MPs present had plenty of opportunity to outline issues of concern.  Energy Minister Charles Hendry and Planning Minister Greg Clarke were also present. Commenting after the ‘private’ meeting, Glyn Davies said:

“I was pleased that the Prime Minister set aside almost an hour to listen to our concerns about the bias in the planning system in favour of wind farms, and the massive subsidies being lavished on international energy giants to build them. It was quite an experience to be sitting at the Cabinet Table, being given as much time as I needed to put forward my concerns about the desecration of Mid Wales by turbines, pylons etc. directly to the Prime Minister.  I really felt that I was speaking on behalf of my constituents to the most influential location in the land.

“I’m confident that the Prime Minister listened carefully to what I said, and understood why I am so concerned about what is being proposed for Mid Wales. We asked that the planning system be changed to give more weight to local opinion and we also asked that the subsidies given to support onshore wind be cut by at least 25% – preferably more. I left my meeting with David Cameron convinced that it is worthwhile redoubling our efforts to oppose the horror of the mid Wales Connection Project.  The battle is not over yet

“National Grid intends to announce where they propose to site the line of their horrific structures in a few weeks time. When they do, I hope everyone who shares my objection writes to the Prime Minister to express their outrage. While protesters in Mid Wales may feel our campaign has already been a long one, it’s just starting to gather momentum at Westminster. It’s time for us all to turn up the pressure.”

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