Montgomeryshire MP Supports Move to 80 MPH on Motorways

Glyn Davies, Montgomeryshire’s Conservative MP is supporting calls to raise the maximum speed limit on motorways and dual carriageways to 80 mph. He claims that a change in the legal limit will not increase speeds more than marginally, but will greatly reduce the incidence of illegal driving, and respect for the law.

Glyn Davies accepts that maximum speeds in urban areas should continue to be restricted as now, and reduced in some cases. Commenting on the announcement by the Secretary of State for Transport that a change in maximum speed on motorways in being considered, Glyn Davies, who travels around 800 miles per week said;

“The 70 mph maximum speed on motorways was set 50 years ago. Our cars have been transformed in reliability, safety and fuel efficiency over the last half century. In my opinion it would be sensible to introduce pilot schemes where the maximum speed limit on motorways would be raised to 80mph.”

“Anyone who travels regularly on motorways knows that if they drive at 70 mph, there is a steady stream of overtaking traffic, including fully laden lorries and buses. The reality is that raising the limit to 80mph would make little difference, except to greatly reduce the number of drivers breaking the law, and increase respect for the law.”

“I fully accept that there should be pilot projects to reassure people that there will not be an increase in traffic accidents.  I also believe there should be more enforcement of speeding offences by lorries, and tighter restrictions in urban areas. I know many will disagree, but in my opinion its a change which is long overdue.”


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