MP Says Landmark Ruling Puts Wind Farm Inquiry in Doubt

Glyn Davies MPGlyn Davies, MP for Montgomeryshire, has called for the wind farm inquiry to be suspended in light of a landmark ruling in Scotland.

The Scottish ruling, reported by many leading planning experts to be of serious concern to wind farm developers, held that a decision by the Scottish Government to grant planning permission was ‘not competent’ on the basis that the developer did not hold the requisite generation licences.

In a letter to the Secretary of State for Energy and the Public Inspector responsible for the wind farm inquiry being held in Welshpool, Mr Davies says that 4 out of 5 applicants in the mid Wales Inquiry have also not followed the requirements of the law in obtaining a generation licence from Ofgem prior to them submitting their respective applications.

The Scottish Government has appealed the decision, which is due to be heard in late February of 2014.

Glyn Davies said:

“The wind farm inquiry held in Welshpool should not be allowed to continue whilst this level of uncertainty hangs over the very basis of the developers’ applications.

“The cost of this inquiry to local residents is ridiculous and they should not be made to continue fighting this cause until the appeal of this appeal has been heard.

“You cannot continue as if the law has no consequence.  That is why I have written to Ed Davey, the Secretary of State and Andrew Poulter, the public inspector, to ask that the inquiry be suspended immediately.”


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