Wrexham AM Backing White Ribbon Campaign

White Ribbon Wrexham R

Wrexham AM Lesley Griffiths with Wrexham FC manager Andy Morrell signing up to the Not in my Name campaign

The annual focal point of a campaign which intends to raise awareness of domestic abuse and stop all male violence against women which takes today.

Monday 25 November is White Ribbon Day and Wrexham Assembly Member Lesley Griffiths is encouraging others to pledge their support for the campaign.

There is a secondary aspect to this year’s movement. Not in my Name hopes to recruit male ambassadors to urge people to support a simple message; to never commit, condone or remain silent about violence against women.

Local AM Lesley Griffiths has been helping promote the campaign by attending a national event held at the Senedd and visiting Wrexham FC to get manager Andy Morrell and all the players to sign up to the cause.

The definition of domestic abuse has changed. Many people immediately think of physical violence but coercive and controlling behaviour can be just as damaging.

According to the National Federation of Women’s Institutes, one in four women in Wales will experience domestic violence at the hands of a partner in their lives.

People can get involved with this year’s campaign by signing White Ribbon posters, organising or attending events and by sending messages of support via the website or social media.

Wrexham AM Griffiths commented:

“Signing the Not in my Name pledge and wearing a white ribbon sends out a powerful message that abuse in any form is never acceptable and should not be ignored, excused or tolerated.”

“White Ribbon Day can help create a change in culture and I am very grateful to Wrexham manager Andy Morrell and all of the players who have signed up and supported the movement.”

“It is important men and women unite to speak out and make a stand against domestic violence and I hope people in Wrexham will support the campaign.”


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