Mule love Coleg Gwent’s new arrivals

Animal Management students at Coleg Gwent’s Usk Campus gave two new arrivals a warm welcome this week when Little Billy and Big Ben took up residence at the Campus’s animal care centre.  No relation to the Flower Pot Men, the pair are donkeys, fostered out by The Donkey Sanctuary.

When Big Ben and Little Billy have had time to explore and settled into their new habitat, students on Animal Care and Animal Management courses at the Campus will take care of their new furry friends as part of their studies.

This will involve grooming, feeding, mucking out and learning more about their anatomy and healthcare, and in particular, exercising; Tutor Nicole Tranter explains more: “Donkeys need lots of stimulation, otherwise they can get bored and despondent so the students will be taking them for lots of walks and giving them lots of attention.”

Six-year-old Little Billy, and Big Ben who is 8, travelled from Sidmouth in Devon to their new home, chaperoned by Lizzie Ellis, Area Welfare & Training Manager at The Donkey Sanctuary who are fostering them out to the College. Lizzie says:  “The College’s busy animal care centre is ideal for Little Billy and Big Ben as they will be surrounded by students, as well as other animals like sheep, dogs and ducks.  Donkeys are very social animals so they’ll integrate well.”

But it won’t be the last time Lizzie sees the donkeys, she will visit them three times a year to check they’re happy in their home, and provide 24 hour support should they need it.

Having been rescued from a travelling community in Cumbria by The Donkey Sanctuary just over a year ago, Little Billy and Big Ben have since undergone a stringent process to make sure they’re ready for fostering out. They have been socialised and assessed by vets and farmers, including a period of isolation to make sure they’re free of disease and illness.

Extended Diploma Animal Management student Hannah Phillips was among those helping Billy and Ben settle into their new home.  The 19-year-old from Chepstow was excited to welcome the pair:  “On the Animal management course we work with a whole range of animals – farm animals, horses, reptiles, rodents, and now donkeys – which broadens our skills and improves our employment opportunities when we finish College.  Little Billy and Big Ben are very welcome additions to the Animal Care centre!”

Photograph: Extended Diploma Animal Management students give Little Billy (left) and Big Ben (right) a warm welcome
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